Say hello to digital scanners, your new best friend in the quest for a perfect smile. These sleek, high-tech devices work their magic by capturing detailed images of your teeth with precision and ease to create your custom dental crowns. Our skilled dentist and team will gently glide the scanner wand over your teeth, capturing every nook and cranny with remarkable accuracy. No more gagging on goopy impression material or waiting anxiously for it to set. With digital scanners in Johnstown and Wellington, Colorado, it is smooth sailing from start to finish.

Not only do digital scanners make the process more comfortable for you, but they also deliver incredibly precise results. This means your dental crowns will fit like a glove, ensuring maximum comfort and functionality. Plus, scans are stored digitally, allowing for easy access and seamless communication with our dental lab partners. This streamlines the entire crown fabrication process, meaning you will get your new crown faster than ever before.

But perhaps the best part of all is the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are receiving the highest standard of care. With digital scanners, Dr. Jeff Tippets leaves nothing to chance, ensuring your dental crowns are crafted with the utmost precision and attention to detail. So why settle for anything less than the best? Experience the future of dentistry with digital scanners by contacting Tippets Dentistry to schedule your treatment and learn more.